Not bullshit
Hello, friends, I don’t really have much to say this week. One of us has been under the weather and when one doesn't click, it seems, neither of us clicks—okay, that's just me, I'm a sucker for a good excuse to do
What I might say to my daughter and her other college graduates as they look toward the future in this unfair, inequitable world.
I reached into my own archives of writing and found a piece on possibility that I began some years ago, and of which now leaves me with a number of questions.
Buongiorno! I am working this month on a long piece about the importance of feeling wonder and how important it is to our overall health and wellbeing, the timing of which corresponds nicely to what’s happening in space next month. But to experience awe doesn’t require some celestial
and a few other things that matter Our mission here at The Revelate is simple: To uncover proof you can pull back the blinds of hypocrisy and sort through the nonsense we’re taught about life to surrender your heart to longing, forge meaningful purpose and find your place in