
Not bullshit

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Linosa, oh my, Linosa

One of the smallest, best kept secrets of the Mediterranean Seas.

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I'm Sorry, What?

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A Short Story

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When All Is Said and Done

Have you been searching for a better way of surrendering yourself to longing and purpose that doesn’t involve some form of railing against the many ways in which the world can disappoint? Maybe a better way lies simply in seeking everyday moments of awe.

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How to Revelate

Oh, The Wonders of Life I get the question every now and then why The Revelate. What even does that mean? Some time ago I shared the title's origin story and wrote a question and answer piece to attempt to answer that. The explanation was alright, but not

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The View from Here

What the road says about longing and why we should listen.

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Transumanza 2024

Celebrating our donkey on Endangered Species Day This past weekend we had the pleasure of taking part in our town's 2024 Transumanza, which is, you may recall from our post on last year's event, the practice, or, in official animal husbandry-speak, transhumance, of moving livestock from

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Coming Home

Or, the Arms of the Octopus We are back in Sicily this week after a brief visit to the U.S. for a much needed family get-together. On the long transatlantic journey I found myself thinking of Troina and the lives we were returning to. This was not our first

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Earth Day (wink wink)

sign up now and get a free tote bag (not really) In a bit of continuation from my mini-rant last week about BCorps and the bullshit companies have been trying to sell us on their operations and specifically, their impact on people and planet, comes Earth Day, the biggest greenwashing

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Measures that Matter

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Into the mystic volcanic vortex of incredible awe, elegance and inspiring transcendence

Hi, there. We're back from an easter week trip to Poland, which was entirely amazing and should be on everyone's list of places to visit, especially the town of Warcław (pronounced Vrotswaff), where you can spend the day seeking out the some 1,000+ bronze figurines

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