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Welcome to The Revelate, a newsletter about surrendering your heart to longing, forging meaningful purpose and finding your place in the world to flourish.

The Revelate
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Checking the Box

We began the blog, Without Envy, years ago to share our journey of raising a child with Type One Diabetes to live life to the fullest. We had no idea just how far the idea would take us.

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Time on our Hands

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Water, Water, No Where

How Will We Live Without It? When I began my research for the story of water in Sicily, I had in mind a different sort of theme, one of selfish indifference, environmental disregard and unimagined consequences. After all what could be more telling of the situation here than a hurried

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For this month's Naked Truth, a never before published short story of real events which never happened but had they, they might've gone something like this.

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Enough with the garbage debate already! Continuing my post last week in which I started a series on things we've found in Sicily to be subordinate to the American way of life. This one begs the question, is it really? In previous posts my only consideration for what

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Out for an Aimless Walk

Many things shape our coming to Sicily, but one near and dear to our hearts is the incredible opportunities to get outside and take an aimless walk.

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Borders and Bureaucracy

Presenting a series on a few things we found in our move from America to Sicily that made us see red, and occasionally white and blue.

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10 Things We Found to be Very Much Better in Sicily

America is well-known as the land of innovation, but we’ve found here in Sicily a few things that seem to be of much more superior design.

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Lago Ancipa

A 12km hike around Lake Ancipa in the Nebrodi National Park of Sicily offers a wonderful, relaxing and often unpeopled trekking experience.

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The Story of a House

How the poem Eros Turannos helped me see beyond the death of my father and understand better the joy and happenstance of sharing a life together.

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This is a Mistake

The trials, errors and revelations of moving to Sicily

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Penso di Sì (I think so)

We'd done everything we could to be prepared so that I could swiftly and efficiently take up Italian residency. Why did this seem harder than it should be?

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