Hi there!
Welcome to The Revelate, a newsletter about surrendering your heart to longing, forging meaningful purpose and finding your place in the world to flourish.

The Festival of San Silvestro
Troina, the town in which we’ve chosen to settle in Sicily, is a very ancient city and was throughout both Greek and Roman times an important military stronghold due its geographical status, which, as you can see, offers commanding views in every direction, from Mount Etna to the Nebrodi
Food for Thought
Gioacchino Rossini, the Italian composer famous for The Barber of Seville, wrote once that appetite is to the stomach what love is to the heart. If that’s true—and I have every reason to believe it is—then Sicily is both Demeter’s fork and cupid’s arrow. You
Images of Sicily
While here we've been posting quite a lot on social media, sharing the places, people and thoughts on Sicily. I thought I'd catpure some of the best ones and share them on the newseltter. Sorry, if you've already seen them and are now considering
Pros, Cons and Commitments
We leave our homes with a map and all the sayings: It’s the journey that matters. Not all who wander are lost. Destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things. A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. While all
Essential Sicily
In Franca's Words: When travel becomes less about filling every moment with purpose and more about finding purpose in every moment.