

Husband. Dad. Writer. Expat. Veteran. Seeker of awe, wonder and meaningful purpose.

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Lago Ancipa

A 12km hike around Lake Ancipa in the Nebrodi National Park of Sicily offers a wonderful, relaxing and often unpeopled trekking experience.

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The Story of a House

How the poem Eros Turannos helped me see beyond the death of my father and understand better the joy and happenstance of sharing a life together.

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This is a Mistake

The trials, errors and revelations of moving to Sicily

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Penso di Sì (I think so)

We'd done everything we could to be prepared so that I could swiftly and efficiently take up Italian residency. Why did this seem harder than it should be?

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The Lever and Fulcrum

Our life in Sicily is not that different from our life in America in that we arrived here with the same passion to be part of a community.

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Spilling My Words

It's been said that writers and artists cannot fail, that just becoming one is a success. Tell that to a starving artist denied a bank loan.

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Mount Etna, or Montebello (beautiful mountain), as it is known throughout Italy—Muncibbeḍḍu in Sicilian for those wondering—is one of the tallest active volcanoes in Europe with the height as of July 2021 measured at 3,357 m (11,014 ft), though this varies with summit eruptions. It is

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The One on Saeculum

Etruscans, B Corp and climate change. What does any of this have to do with ending a long debate and lending a hand to the next generations?

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Is Changing the World for the Better in Need of a Reckoning?

The cost of doing good and the myth that everyone pays their fair share and the richest pay the most.

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Staying Upright, Moving Forward, Part Three

The final chapter in our series of starting a business in Sicily shares how we are trying to stay in the zone despite a serious setback.

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Staying Upright, Moving Forward, Part Two

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Staying Upright, Moving Forward, Part One

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