A Special Sunday-in-Sicily Edition of The Revelate: Donkeys, Part II
There is a street and on it the traffic is intense. Cars, Vespas, three-wheeled Apes zipping along, people passing on foot. Oblivious toward me, but not blind. They know I am there, they can see me through the window of the backseat of the car in which I am sitting
A series exploring the decisions, changes, and principles we stuck to that made moving to Sicily possible.
I know I spend a lot of time on this newsletter (and in person) calling attention to the many screwed up schemes the principal architects of policy, those shapers of society, these Masters of Mankind, use to conspire, engineer and bully us into believing and accepting the crappy way in
Or, Why What Happens Next Some years ago, back when this was a diabetes blog, I mentioned a particular fondness for a quote by the British writer E.M. Forster. The quote— How Can I Tell What I Think Till I See What I Say—comes from his book on