

Husband. Dad. Writer. Expat. Veteran. Seeker of awe, wonder and meaningful purpose.

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On Sicily

All of your questions answered here.

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Coming Home

Or, the Arms of the Octopus We are back in Sicily this week after a brief visit to the U.S. for a much needed family get-together. On the long transatlantic journey I found myself thinking of Troina and the lives we were returning to. This was not our first

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Earth Day (wink wink)

sign up now and get a free tote bag (not really) In a bit of continuation from my mini-rant last week about BCorps and the bullshit companies have been trying to sell us on their operations and specifically, their impact on people and planet, comes Earth Day, the biggest greenwashing

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Measures that Matter

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Into the mystic volcanic vortex of incredible awe, elegance and inspiring transcendence

Hi, there. We're back from an easter week trip to Poland, which was entirely amazing and should be on everyone's list of places to visit, especially the town of Warcław (pronounced Vrotswaff), where you can spend the day seeking out the some 1,000+ bronze figurines

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Comfort Moon

The experience of awe can arrive at any time, even in those moments we'd consider the most dangerous.

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The One Where We Interview Ourselves

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It's a Shrimp's World

Hello, friends, I don’t really have much to say this week. One of us has been under the weather and when one doesn't click, it seems, neither of us clicks—okay, that's just me, I'm a sucker for a good excuse to do

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Be Invincible

What I might say to my daughter and her other college graduates as they look toward the future in this unfair, inequitable world.

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It's been a difficult past few days as we lost another long-time friend to illness last week. She was the wife of the kind soul I wrote about last summer, and like Mike's death, the news came as a shock. I had last seen her in

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In The Measure of a Sigh

I reached into my own archives of writing and found a piece on possibility that I began some years ago, and of which now leaves me with a number of questions.

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The Dog Star

Buongiorno!   I am working this month on a long piece about the importance of feeling wonder and how important it is to our overall health and wellbeing, the timing of which corresponds nicely to what’s happening in space next month. But to experience awe doesn’t require some celestial

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