

Husband. Dad. Writer. Expat. Veteran. Seeker of awe, wonder and meaningful purpose.

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Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-jig

And so here we are home again. Living some semblance of living amidst the glucose readings, needles and counted carbs. You start to think: How in the hell did this happen? To her. To us. To me. Why? Was it something I caused? Some plague Iā€™d escorted unsuspectingly into

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Sweet Jesus: Diabetes For the Holidays

Wednesday morning, December 23rd. Starts out, almost, like any other. I say almost because the kids are out of school; we slept later than usual; and our littlest one, Lia, is seemingly slow to recover from both a cold and a busy weekend. She comes downstairs as my wife and

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