While here we've been posting quite a lot on social media, sharing the places, people and thoughts on Sicily. I thought I'd catpure some of the best ones and share them on the newseltter. Sorry, if you've already seen them and are now considering
We leave our homes with a map and all the sayings: It’s the journey that matters. Not all who wander are lost. Destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things. A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. While all
In Franca's Words: When travel becomes less about filling every moment with purpose and more about finding purpose in every moment.
Who Do We Think We Are?
With the youngest of our three children headed off to attend college, we're faced with the question: What comes next?
One of the first things I did after Lia’s diagnosis for T1 was go out and buy dress clothes. It sounds crazy, I know, especially all of these twenty-five months later. What an impulsive, irrational thing to do, right, as if $100 slacks, a couple of nice shirts, and
The way the year ended was pretty much the way that it started with a trip to the children’s wing of the hospital. Only this time our purpose there was not to admit Lia for what would become a very long and arduous twelve months discovering and treating diabetes,
The Things We Have Now It was a cold, beautiful night with fresh snow on the ground and because it was cold and had snowed we stayed in our day clothes after dinner and put on our boots and heavy winter jackets and slipped on our gloves and knit caps
roughly 2,000 finger sticks roughly 500 middle of the night blood sugar checks roughly 700 shots roughly 60 infusion set changes roughly 200 episodes of hypoglycemia roughly 1000 episodes of hyperglycemia roughly feeling like a perfectly fine nine year old 1.5 days out of every 3 roughly counting