

Husband. Dad. Writer. Expat. Veteran. Seeker of awe, wonder and meaningful purpose.

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The Stuff of Lives

Since posting the story and image of the four bags we arrived in Sicily with, many people have asked if that’s all we brought from our previous lives in America, and after being told that it was in fact all we brought, they wanted to know what things did

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This is a Mistake

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Palazzolo Acreide

Featured Town When we arrived in Sicily in September 2021, nine months before moving here permanently, we left the U.S. feeling adrift and seeking to put a new wind in our sails. The pandemic had left us, like so many others, languishing in whatever direction life took us. So

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Pajamas and Pilgrimages

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The Festival of San Silvestro

Troina, the town in which we’ve chosen to settle in Sicily, is a very ancient city and was throughout both Greek and Roman times an important military stronghold due its geographical status, which, as you can see, offers commanding views in every direction, from Mount Etna to the Nebrodi

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Food for Thought

Gioacchino Rossini, the Italian composer famous for The Barber of Seville, wrote once that appetite is to the stomach what love is to the heart. If that’s true—and I have every reason to believe it is—then Sicily is both Demeter’s fork and cupid’s arrow. You

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Taking Stock

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One Day More, A Story of Gratitude

Well, Friends, what can we say, we’ve made it. Or almost made it. Just one day more. To celebrate our closing we’ll be releasing a special video tomorrow, but for now, I’d like to share a story. It may not seem to quite fit the moment, but

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Here With You

There is a lot of value in just cutting to the chase, saying what you have to say and then seeing how things go from there. After all, we all have shorter (and more ignitable) attention spans these days...So, here goes: In making that video, or really, even before,

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Why 30 Days Abroad Was No Vacation and Why Coming Back Was No Homecoming

The disposable gloves, the hand sanitizer and disinfectant, the blue surgical face masks (eventually replaced by colorful, but less effective [] , cloth-covered ones), the fear of touching and the worry of not touching, the isolation and six feet of space and a good attitude were

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What the road says about longing and why we should listen.

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